Sunday, April 25, 2010

doughnut holes.

According to Shipley's, the average doughnut hole is 16/20". That is 16/20" of awesomeness in 12 bites (if you get a dozen, which I do).

I treated myself to doughnut holes yesterday morning; 1) because I love doughnut holes and I had restrained myself for several weeks, and 2) because I had to get up for school on a Saturday (thank you inclement weather). Anyhow, they were pure, glazed bliss! It's a good thing they only put a certain amount in each bag (i.e. - a dozen), otherwise I wouldn't be able to control myself.

Ever since I can remember getting doughnut holes, I've always had this odd idiosyncrasy associated with them. Early on, I realized that Shipley's creates abnormal doughnut holes (surely by accident, and for my satisfaction). This 1 in 4 dozen doughnut hole aberration has an inside that is purely caramelized sugar (the glazed icing), so that when you bite into it, it's heaven. Think original Cadbury bunny egg, but better and without a hard, chocolate shell. Always having an affinity for science and investigation, I discovered that the abnormal doughnut holes are more dense than the normal glazed perfections...and knowing this allowed me to assort my dozen doughnut holes from the normal doughnut hole to surely the greatest (less dense to more dense). And that's how I eat them. Hoping that the most dense doughnut hole will, in fact, be one of the abnormal, sugar-filled confections. Most of the time, my doughnut hole line-up works; in fact, it's been working since 2nd grade.

However, since Shipley's closed in our neighborhood I have turned my doughnut hole affections to a new donut store. And although their doughnut holes are good...they just can't compete with Shipley's. I have yet to discover a single doughnut hole like Shipley's produced (on accident).

Will I stop eating doughnut holes? Um, definitely no. But the Shipley's denser doughnut holes hold a much dearer spot in my heart!


  1. I am so getting dough-nut holes on the way to school tomorrow! And, Shipley's is totally the best!
